Day of Action: A Warm Welcome

When clients walk into Catholic Charities Family Services for counseling, a warm welcoming environment is critical. “They really have to dig deep and talk about their issues,” said Anne Devine, Catholic Charities Program Manager. “It’s really important we have a space that makes them feel comfortable.”
To create that environment, the Catholic Charities counseling center turned to Rappahannock United Way’s Day of Action for help. Eager volunteers from Mary Washington Healthcare recently washed windows, cleaned base boards, painted doors, and pulled weeds. It was just one of over 30 Rappahannock United Way Day of Action projects taking place that day around the Fredericksburg region.
For a nonprofit agency like Catholic Charities, Rappahannock United Way’s ability to pull together this volunteer help is so important.
“We would have to pay someone to do this or take time out of our day and not see as many clients,” said Devine, who appreciates the efforts coordinated by Rappahannock United Way. “It helps us save money and save time. Plus, it helps us build partnerships.”
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church donated the paint for the project. Mary Washington Healthcare volunteers brought their own buckets, rags, and cleaner. “It’s awesome,” said Devine. “We didn’t have to pay for anything. I’m incredibly grateful. I always feel humbled by people’s willingness to serve.”
Because of Rappahannock United Way volunteer involvement, the care that community members need is delivered in a clean and comfortable environment.