Mobilizing volunteers for community change.

Join us for Day of Action 2023!
Day of Action mobilizes corporate volunteers to work on service projects that will support Rappahannock United Way
in our three focus areas of Education, Financial Stability, and Healthy Living.
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Rappahannock United Way
3310 Shannon Park Drive
Fredericksburg, VA 22408
8:30am Breakfast, Check-In, Welcome
10:00am-1:00pm Project
1:00pm-2:00pm Lunch, Closing Remarks
2:00pm-3:00pm Agency Engagement
Please register by May 19th.
United Way Day of Action is a nation-wide effort each year on June 21 to recognize volunteering as an essential part of our brand promise and engage individuals (outside of campaign) on our work in education, financial stability and healthy living.
Organizations or Companies looking to provide a meaningful volunteer opportunity to their employees or team members and engage in the mission of Rappahannock United Way.
Volunteers will learn about our programs; community needs and how Rappahannock United Way contributions are meeting these needs. Benefits of company volunteer involvement also include heightened team spirit among participating employees; increased company morale; positive exposure in our community; and a greater understanding of the ways that giving back can make an impact in our community.
Organizing the best, large group volunteer experience costs us money. To ensure that all donor dollars are going back to the community, we are charging a fee. This is a resource heavy day of volunteering that is covered by charging for registration. We still have free individual volunteer opportunities available year-round, including tax preparers and greeters, credit coaches or mock interviewers. Those opportunities can be found at:
Yes, all of our projects will be based at Rappahannock United Way but we will be engaging key partners to receive some of our completed projects.
We totally understand that our focus areas may not meet your interests. If you are looking to volunteer outside of RUW, we recommend contacting the organization directly for volunteer opportunities, we know they would love to hear from you!