Rappahannock United Way

3310 Shannon Park Dr., Fredericksburg, VA 22408    |    (540) 373-0041

Big Brothers Big Sisters Greater Fredericksburg creates and supports one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.

Telephone: (540) 371-7444


Habitat for Humanity of Caroline builds and sells at-cost homes to families and individuals making less than 50% of the local median income. Caroline Habitat also has a repair and accessibility program that ensures that homes are a safe place to live free of leaks, cracked windows or trip hazards.

Telephone: (804) 633-1277


Catholic Charities Diocese of Arlington is a private, non-profit, non-sectarian agency serving all area residents. Services include individual, family and crisis pregnancy counseling; infant foster care and adoption.

Telephone: (540) 371-1124



The Children’s Home Society of Virginia is one of Virginia’s most experienced adoption agencies. To date, CHS has successfully placed more than 13,000 infants and foster-care children into safe and permanent homes. We also provide post--adoption parenting and family services, and The Possibilities Project provides quality housing and case management for youth who have aged out of foster care. We are committed to building strong permanent families and lifelong relationships for Virginia’s at-risk children and youth.

Telephone: (540) 226-0583


Downtown Greens mission is to enhance the well-being of our community, by connecting people with nature through education and the preservation of greenspaces.

Through a partnership with the Fredericksburg Regional Food Bank, Downtown Greens distributes free, healthy foods to those in need.

Downtown Greens offers free, multi-layered after-school program meetings weekly for local young people.  Providing a non-traditional learning/play environment that includes gardening, nature craft, and environmental literacy.

Telephone: (540) 371-7315


Empowerhouse -- Supporting Survivors of Domestic Violence.  Provides comprehensive services for survivors of domestic violence and their children including shelter, housing, hotline, support groups, court and healthcare accompaniment; batterer intervention groups; and training and education to the general community and specifically to schools and law enforcement.

Telephone: (540) 373-9372


Fredericksburg Regional Food Bank obtains and efficiently distributes nutritious foods and other products to member agencies while developing programs and partnerships to help eliminate hunger.
Telephone: (540) 371-7666



FAHASS is a private, nonprofit organization whose mission is to positively impact individual and community health.

Telephone: (540) 907-4555



Failsafe ERA provides reformative strategies to empower and restore hope to families impacted by incarceration.

Telephone: (540) 479-3021


Foundation First leads community partners in maximizing and coordinating resources that ensure equal opportunities for all young children, birth to five, to be ready for school--ready for life.
Telephone: (540) 479-6944


Girl Scouts of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Inc. is the premier leadership organization for girls and builds girls of Courage, Confidence, and Character who make the world a better place.
Telephone: (804) 746-0590


Greater Fredericksburg Habitat for Humanity helps build strength, self-reliance, and stability for local families by improving access to affordable mortgages and home repairs.
Telephone: (540) 891-4401


Healthy Families, Rappahannock Area empowers parents to raise healthy children by receiving weekly in-home parenting support and education.
Telephone: (540) 374-3366


Legal Aid Works® provides free legal services in civil matters to low-income persons. With United Way funding, services are provided in child and spousal support cases.
Telephone: (540) 371-1105


Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic provides medical and dental care at no charge to low-income and uninsured adults primarily through the use of volunteer health care professionals and partnerships with other health providers.
Telephone: (540) 741-1061


Loisann’s Hope House provides a safe place for children and families experiencing homelessness.  Our program focuses on providing permanent solutions—housing, jobs, transportation and childcare needs—so that people can break the cycle of homelessness. Additional services include shelter, counseling, an on-site childcare center, job placement or referrals and educational opportunities.

Telephone: (540) 371-0831


Mental Health America of Fredericksburg provides FREE services for individuals and families facing mental health challenges – Mental Health Information & Referral Services (HelpLine); Senior Visitors - weekly services to isolated elderly; Suicide Prevention Education; Support groups - Mental Wellness and Survivors of Suicide; Mental Health Resource Center; Community Education; and Advocacy/Public Policy. Telephone: (540) 371-2704


Micah Ecumenical Ministries increases homeless access to employment, housing, healthcare, and education.  Work includes basic needs center; cold weather shelter; respite house; housing support; volunteerism.  Relationship-based approach. Telephone: (540) 479-4116


Rappahannock Area Court Appointed Special Advocates' highly-trained volunteer advocates speak up for the needs and best interests of children involved in Juvenile Court cases because of parental abuse or neglect.
Telephone: (540) 710-6199


Rappahannock Area YMCA's goal is to improve the health and wellness of area residents by providing programs and activities for all ages, abilities and income levels.
Telephone: (540) 371-9622


Rappahannock Council Against Sexual Assault provides a 24-hour crisis hotline and hospital accompaniment, advocacy, brief counseling, support groups, court/legal advocacy, and court accompaniment.
Telephone: (540) 371-1666


Safe Harbor Child Advocacy Center strengthens the coordinated community response to minimize trauma and increase the safety of abused children and their families.
Telephone: (540) 891-6280


The Salvation Army : Committed to doing the most good. Motivated by the love of God, we strive to improve the lives of our clients.
Telephone: (540) 373-3431


SERVE is a Stafford County based organization, strategically addressing food insecurity, providing emergency relief, and promoting self-reliance through programs that give hope to people in our community.

(540) 288-9603


Stafford Junction: Through faith and action, we strive to nurture and develop the children and their families in Stafford County who are constrained by poverty and the lack of English proficiency, and to help them fulfill their maximum potential.
Telephone: (540) 368-0081


The Brisben Center is a high demand, programmatic shelter serving up to 80 men, women and children for 90 days is the only shelter in Planning District 16.
Telephone: (540) 899-9853
