Rappahannock United Way

3310 Shannon Park Dr., Fredericksburg, VA 22408    |    (540) 373-0041

RUW offers free 1-on-1 Financial Coaching and Financial Literacy Workshops on Saving, Debt, Budgeting and Credit.

This is back -to -basics knowledge on personal finance. It's a great place to get started or to check in on your progress.




Personalized Coaching

Meet with a trained financial coach to learn more about: Building a budget that meets your needs and goals, eliminating debt, creating and building an emergency fund and pulling your credit score. Email our Financial Coach to make an appointment: [email protected] 

Corporate Financial Coaching

Bring RUW Financial Coaching Workshops to the office!  Financial workshops teach participants the basics about goal setting, budgeting, credit issues, debt repayments, and savings. To schedule your next company workshop email Financial Coach: [email protected].

Financial Planning

You don't need thousands of dollars in savings or a large income to start planning your financial future. All you need are a few goals, the confidence to get started and maybe some help along the way - which is where we come in.

Financial Toolkit

Click here to find FREE tools to help you manage your financial health and links to FREE courses to help elevate your career.