Rappahannock United Way is partnering with Workforce NOW / Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce because of our shared focus on the importance of financial literacy and workforce readiness for our young people. We are sending a contingent of Rappahannock United Way staff and volunteers to the Student Mock Interview event
Back to School Sort-a-Thon Event
Help sort school supplies for local students in need.
Volunteers of all ages and abilities are welcome!
Please RSVP HERE if you plan to attend.
Days of Action: Team Leader Lunch & Learn
Is your business interested in fielding a team for our upcoming Day(s) of Action? Join us to learn more about the process! We’ll serve lunch and lots of information about what is required to participate.
Priority is given to businesses that are planning a 2019 Workplace Campaign. To learn more
Day(s) of Action: Project Leader Lunch & Learn
Have questions about how to submit a project to our Fall Day(s) of Action? Join us for lunch here at RUW for an overview of the event and project requirements, plus a quick how-to lesson on using our online volunteer system.
This event is optional for project leaders.
2019 Day of Action
Join us for our 2019 Day of Action! Create a team at your workplace and spend a morning, afternoon, or full day helping nonprofits in our area with projects that make a difference!
NOTE: So that teams can head straight to their projects, this year we will be kicking off
Day of Action: T-Shirt Tailgate
Join us as we kick off our 2019 Days of Action with a T-Shirt Tailgate at RUW! We’ll rally with our Day of Action teams, distribute team t-shirts, take team photos and enjoy a delicious cookout in preparation for Days of Action projects that begin the next day.
The T-Shirt
Book Sort-a-thon!
The Book Sorting event has been cancelled.
Donations of new books are still being collected and will be distributed at a later date.
For more information visit https://www.rappahannockunitedway.org/bookdrive
Days of Action
RUW’s Day of Action has become Days of Action! Projects will be held weekdays from September 12 to September 19th. Is your business interested in participating as a team? Contact Jessie Walthall for more information!