Young Professional Gives Back
Katrida Williams knows from experience that it’s much easier to help someone when you’ve been through a similar experience yourself.
Williams, who is fairly new to Fredericksburg, has used a VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program to do her taxes since 2011. She began using the free service to file her taxes when she lived in North Carolina. After moving to Virginia, she was happy to discover the same free tax service offered at Rappahannock United Way.
“I’ve always used the VITA service,” said Williams, who not only became a Rappahannock United Way tax client, but also decided to give back by volunteering for the program this year. “This service has always been fast, efficient and secure. It’s easy and saves you money.”
Getting involved and helping others is important to Williams, who works in Stafford at Virginia Cooperative Extension.
“Still being new to the area, I was trying to find a way to connect to the community and give back,” said Williams, who is now a volunteer greeter for Rappahannock United Way’s Free Tax Services Program. “This is a great program and I’m excited to be part of it. If you’re trying to find a way to connect to the community, volunteering is a great way. It makes a difference when you can relate to clients because you’ve done it yourself. It also makes you feel good about doing something that’s empowering others.”
Interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities at Rappahannock United Way? Click here for details.